1- Plan du Site 2- Accueil 2.1- Présentation 3- Chiens 3.1- mâle 3.1.1- Ultimate dreams made Off newfoundland coast 3.1.2- Ultimate dreams made Off newfoundland coast 3.2- femele 3.2.1- CH. TR. Link the dreams Off newfoundland coast 3.3- En Mémoire 3.3.1- CH. TR. Essex girl so cute Off newfoundland coast 3.3.2- CH. TR. of Tintagel Winds Memories 3.3.3- TR. Pillow talk of Tintagel Winds 3.3.4- CH. TR. Under felicity's spangles charm Off newfoundland coast 4- Liens 5- Livre d'or 6- Contact